Bunny Side Up

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Creatively cool idea
  2. I like the furnis️?
  3. Cute Avis, cute furniture.... 
  4. They are perfect?
  5. Not a lot of avatars
  6. Last year's were better :c
  7. Ariana Grande & Rihanna lol nicee <3
  8. [​IMG] well I already knew that :lol:
  9. Nice avas !!  I like that 999 ec dormitem its looks cool !!
  10. I'm guessing that they'll be an extremely random drop from CC
  11. Love the Avis
  12. I got the VIP girl one! 
  13. I hope I finally get a new avatar 
  14. Why the hell does one of the guys always have holes in the pants :roll: not at all liking these avis but who knows
  15. Yo. Better not be switching them parties around. 
  16. 
  17. I need to know how to get the VIP avis