Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. I did something with your mom that rhymes with bump...
  2. Bummmmmp dayyyy
  3. Buuuuuurrrrrrrrrp, oh excuse me, I meant bump
  4. Bumping my music all day
  5. bummpty bump bump look at ️frosty️ go bummpty bump bump over the hills of snow
  6. Bump bu bump it real good
  7. humpty dumpty went bump when he fell off the wall
  8. baby bump?
  9. Forty detectives this week
    Forty detectives strong
    Takin' a stroll down Love Street
    Strollin' is that so wrong
    Can I get my co-dependent

    Hump de bump doop bodu
    Bump de hump doop bap
    Hump de bump doop bodu
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