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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Nov 15, 2017.

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  1. I do think you are mostly demon spawn. The things that go on around here are disgusting and ungodly. If my comments make people feel bad, perhaps that's God trying to get their attention and tell them to change their bad behaviors.
  2. Julie pls
  3. Pls not call people Demons spawn.
  4. So Karen/Julie/LettuceLady, what’s with you and trump?
  5. He's not perfect, nobody is

    But he's a great leader for America. He has the skill set we need to fix a lot of things that've gotten out of control in our country.
  6. O I’m guessing you like Alex Jones too then
  7. He's alright, I like to order his vitimains. I feel a lot more energy since I started taking them.

    You know what I really like? On YouTube you can subscribe to the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House youtube channels. They broadcast everything that's an open event or meeting. Even a lot of the Congressional Committee meetings you can watch live.

    The best place for news is just the source.
  8. :( but I’m not American
  9. UK Parliament has a youtube channel too, I just checked.

    But it looks like they only upload videos every few days.

    You should move to America. Transparency is nice. I like to know what my tax dollars are doing.

    I heard the other day you guys can't even listen to the police scanner? Is this true???
  10. Yeah, they’re illegal to use unless you’re part of the police, since they don’t want to hearing private information or so
  11. Dude, you're totally missing out. The police scanner is like the town information center. It's entertaining and informative.
  12. Point proven. Preciate it
  13. What point?

    I'm not gonna bend the knee to you?

    Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna stay on God's path. His words are the truth.

    Why would I change my opinion, if my opinion is to follow God's word?

    And you claim to be a follower of God...smh
  14. And the fact that you believe we are demon spawn is also opposing what God teaches... but again it’s your culture. Not mine. My input doesn’t matter LOL
  15. Ok not demon "spawn"

    Brainwashed by the devil, that better?
  16. lol I don’t claim. I know I do. When I see you in heaven, because I believe you will be to some degree, let’s ask God himself and see what he says. Lmao I’m over this. I told people not to argue with you and here I am... LOL
  17. I could say the same thing though. You might be the one brainwashed by the devil...
  18. Your actions speak for themselves.

    You make pedophiles "jokes" and call yourself a follower of God.

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