Thank you foe taking the time out of your day to stalk my profile. ? Also that has nothing to do with it
I was talking about your response to chill ? if i was talking about your rap i would have quoted that ?
Ion't stalk anyone. That's blasphemous to the extreme. You won't find much virtual pùssy on forums... try asking in wc
No, my brudda, you do NOT KNO DA WAE. This what youre seing right now, is my normal Ebola state, and this... HAAAA! THIS IS SUPER EBOLA!!!!!
What's the point of posting here if it's just for the "culture?" That makes no sense If people who aren't "in the culture" like it, will you tell them to sthu cause they don't understand it cause they're not in it? Or..
I like Mexican food and I am not from Mexico. I've never been kicked out of a Mexican restaurant. You can easily appreciate cultures that you are not a part of.
But if someone critiques it or doesn't like it and they're not "a part of the culture," then they get bashed with "You don't understand, you're not a part of it, go listen to your culture's stuff!" That doesn't make sense.
I agree with you 100%. But to be negative about it isn’t necessarily the right thing to do right? I mean you’re striking at someone’s culture negatively because you don’t like it. That’s kind of messed up. He wasn’t talking about his rap, but if he was, could’ve been considered as something messed up. And word of advice to you. Don’t argue with this chick Karen or Julie whatever tf. She’s on her own planet when it comes to arguing about something. everyone who disagrees with her is wrong to her LOL
With her comment you can already tell that she’s a person who couldn’t care less about anyone else’s opinion.