Buddy/Bestie/BFF Box Combination Items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Arse, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. Buying all kind of essence 2c each wmid

  2. 25 Water Essence + 10 Earth Essence + 5 Fire Essence
  3. Can't combine the bb items into Stained Glass Origami Crane even though i have the needed items
  4. You also need a Crystal-- 20 pure swags and 15 mystic metals
  5. I'm working on figuring out Max items with no known combos if anybody is interested in helping to test them? I suppose I'll just post it here but it's a lot of items and a lot of combos so it'd probably be best if we just had some assigned goals or smth
  7. Bump ?‍♀️
  8. Bumpity bump-bump bump bump
  9. Why bump when you can boop ? lol
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