Buddy/Bestie/BFF Box Combination Items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Arse, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. Ugggh love it!
  2. Also got a response in regards to the cact-owl, feeding fronds, flowering paper and gummy nope.


  4. NOOOOOO why did it take them so long to fix this and why did they lead me on that way

  5. Yasss, Footlong is just as adoreable 
  6. How do we make him though??.
  7. Assuming people will appreciate this being bumped
  8. Combined hotdogs in my showcase. 
  9. Yay! Thanks ? i need this guy
  10. How do you make shark ):::
  11. 25 Water Essence + 10 Earth Essence + 5 Fire Essence
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