It will combine. Sometimes it takes time. Mine combined after 3 hours :lol: Players have suggested to send items to a friend/alt to speed up the process.
I have been waiting on my dino.. I have 10 yarn and 10 eggs they still have yet to combine.. I wrote you all about this a few days ago..
Mine never combined and I have 10 of both and have for several days. So either I’m right and that’s not the proper number or it’s different per person. I also tried giving one away and having it sent back, it didn’t work
Maybe send a ticket to ata to confirm one of your theories? if not then they'll probably fix it if it's a bug.
Send all the items to another person/alt. Might help. A lot of players have confirmed the combination. I've confirmed with support and the combinations are same for every player.
I did, their response was “It’s a mystery. Keep trying!” Which leads me to think it’s not a mistake or glitch and it does either require more or it’s different per person. But I’m also guessing that’s their way of not wanting to confirm or deny anything as to not give it away.
I guess I’ll try this later. Seems stupid though if support won’t fix it to just combine on its own for player without so much effort
Ikr ? It’s like wow combos aren’t working on there own, which ironically isn’t a surprise considering the amount of glitches these days ?