
Discussion in 'Activities' started by -MrKillahKizaru-, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. My Face When You Read This Useless Thread















    :lol: :lol: :lol: No..

    Extra PIMD Memes

    You May Go, My Precious Nubs :lol:

    I took a selfie of me naked in the dark, check it out love


    #kaname #badattitude #p1ckl3s #wolf #og #jd #sinners #spitfire #bauz #berry #hulk #pie #catheist #terror #pimd #noobs
  2. Can I Join Want Some Charzcter Too Explain To Me
  3. How I Feel When I Didn't Win Anything In The Grand Finale...

    What I Feel Like Wanting To Kick PIMD's Ass


  4. Ever wanted to unleash that wild feelings inside you and share it to everyone on your Battle List? Ever feel annoyed when people complain over 1 motherfucking hit? Well, PiMD Purge will allow you to be free! Hit anyone you wish to hit, success or failed, it don't fucking matter! :lol:

    How To Play:

    1. Get Someone From Battle List or Campus Chat
    2. Farm The Fuck Outta 'em
    3. Their complaining won't be counted
    4. Have fun till the Annual Purge is over


    Oh..hold up..there's 1 Rule..











    Why? Cus they complain about every shit they do.

    Apply Now:

    No need to comment your name in, if you're in, YOUR IN.


    Every 3rd Week of the Month on Wednesday