Bruce (Support)

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by DrKevorkian, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. nice
  2. That's hilarious. I'm gonna do it as myself dsk.
  3. Haha Pimd you rock!!! 
  4.  omg you are crazy walla.. I mean Ben 
  5. 
  6.  yay for pimd admin! 
  7. 

    Made my life
  8. Wait, that made your life?.... 

  9.  that was pimd support, pimd admin is the devs, pimd is support 
     should be in best of
  10.  if you wanna get technical Zachy, I just said the name they use here in forums.. I wasn't gonna say "yay ATA employee who speaks on pimd forums" 
  11. Anya that's not wat I meant ?
  12. Still pretty cool of an ata employee to reply 
  13. ???.. Okay, lock it if this thread old enough.
  14.  thats awesome lmao
  15. Man that was a while ago 
  16. Oh my god this is ALMOST as good as"my experience with a scammer" by moose on kaw
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