Discussion in 'Wars' started by -itsvkee-, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Brocolli is way better than cauliflower PS dude u don't know how to spell
  2. Aha if this is real I am interested :|
  3. I can't make it :( too busy. Good luck with the war, I wish I could make it.
  4. Sadly - the war has been postponed to feb - it's Chinese New Year this weekend and that calls for Broccoli kingdom lockdown  I'll make a new post when we're ready to go :D
  5. Brocolli I cant eat cauliflower
  6. Broccoli is way better..I dislike cauliflower. 
  7. I dont eat brocolli nor cauliflower. But sounds fun imma sign up?