Bring Charlie Back [Petition]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. If spitfire supported then I give my support
  2. I miss spitfire
  3. bring back Charlie!
  4. And spit
  5. 
  8. Bring it back, seriously.
    My first last and the only post here.
    I will buy it even if it costs 100B.
    My crush gifted it to me, never forget.
  9. If charlie back.....then need add some alien items too...fair 
  10. I love my charlie  and its even more special now that its not giftable anymore
  11. Support. He was so lovable
  12. This is so support  I reset and mah Charlie disappeared!
  13. Support!
    My unicorn was lost.

    I think it flew away.

    Much awesomeness