Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. I think @they is just suggesting that @Brandish be more descriptive on what masculine pertains.

    Masculinity is very subjective across cultures, generations, etc. Being more clear about what masculine avatars you want or what masculinity means to you will help ATA provide them.

    Even you just pointing out your issues with the way men's legs are drawn is a step in the right direction!
    they likes this.
  2. Oh. I know what i mean when i say like. Real man or masculine avi. But idk how to explain it
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Find picture examples and share those maybe? You don't necessarily need to use words.
  4. But need to use words to even find the pictures to
  5. You could just look up "men" and work your way from there.
  6. You don't need an avatar to be a real man mf
    Heliopolis likes this.
  7. No one is saying or believing that at all it's an avatar, we all diversity of men avatars is all. Just like there's different type of racial avatars or women or men that's all there is to it. I'm representing my brothers
  8. I said it there. The traditional man. Every culture has their traditional man. American, Mexican, Scottish. If ata wants to do one that represents each culture fine by me.
  9. And why is there someone always complaing about cis male lol stay in your lane admiring my cis presence like the peasant you are
  10. Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with pimd it wouldn't bother u as it does
    they likes this.
  11. Why is it so bad to ask for a avatar that will match to what more people want. Dont see you saying this towards the black avis or the lgbt avis. People are constantly saying how shit the male avis are. A bit part of why they look so shit is coz they look so feminine
  12. There's literally so many "manly" avatars though. Whatever that's supposed to mean. Culturally spreaking the definition of manly varies widely. What exactly are you asking for? Paul Bunyon with an axe orrrr? 💀
    they and CrimeFightinCactus like this.
  13. Ya stay in yo lane with yo L after dino and I wrecked you on this thread, don't ever cross our paths again unless u want carnage
    That's right I'm taking in dino
    As my minion
    To do my bidding with me
  14. I do like yo Paul Bunyon idea tho

  15. Real recognize real u know wassup
  16. I could be obsessed with pimd and it still wouldn't rival your obsession with it boi
  17. Lmao lil boi I'd triggered. A walking L
  18. Rather be a walking L than what you are lol you make an L look like a W
    Damn straight I am and there's nothing you can do about it but get decimated by me.