Break us in as LCBC - Open Merc War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Th4tHllIghtTho, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Rj gabs says shes on ur side ofc
  2. Not much of a war 30 vs 2
  3. Winning side ?
  4. Rjs side Y(^_^)Y
  5. Ill be there! I have to go doll side with my war buddy!!
  6. I'm there and as always rj I'm definately on your side
  7. Spread the word and get ppl in then turtle. I want a good battle. No crying. No tut strips. No ffs
  8. Kalki that's my side right? And I love my vt and rst fam, js xx
  9. Congrats rj. Much love xoxo
    Ill be on your side
  10. Bump. C'mon guys, sign up and make this fun :) let's get people in on opp
  11. RJ's side of course
  12. I'm n and I'm on doll side
  13. Team probe pests will be there, godess side