
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Cats are terrifying.
  2. I went to visit my aunt she had a dog and a cat. My brother whispered to me “watch the cat jump” he popped his juice box
    (You know how you blow an empty juice box then slam ur foot on it hard and it goes BOOM)
    Well he did that, and the dog ran so fast out of the room while the cat remained sitting like a queen.
  3. Aggression makes something good. Okay than.
  4. In a human, I would usually say no. I'm proud of her cat because she defends her territory rather than being meek and scared after what a trauma-filled life she lived before she was my spoiled princess. I'd rather she be aggressive just in case something happens. She warms up to almost everyone who spends time at my place every so often so I don't think it's an issue.
  5. Your brother mean :c poor doggo. That cat is brave doe.
  6. Support
  7. Because they have sharp fúcking claws. If I had impenetrable skin I would smack that cat upside the head no problem
  8. You all don't need to hurt animals to show how "brave" you are. Some animals and cats are already abused. The only reason my cat would corner me is if they wanted to be petted and kept meowing. I don't mind though since the home they came from isn't that good to animals/pets.
  9. Dogs are better.
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  10. No.
  11. My cat lost his entire family to a pack of wild dogs at a few weeks old so he only has me. Growing up I thought about him being my Bruce Wayne and I was his Alfred.

    We found out about this when my mother went back to my sister's home to pick up his sister who had similar markings a week after. If she didn't get Cupid on that week, he would've been dog food.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  12. My darling's siblings also ended up dog food :/ most likely anyway. Her and her siblings were all locked in a room starving to death and my gf at the time found my kitty half drowned in the toilet so she rescued her. The family that had locked them in the room ended up taking the other cats and dropping them off at a nearby reservation where there are lots of wild dogs so we can only assume :c they definitely didn't suddenly become feral and raise themselves
  13. Now I’m crying, ain’t got no will to live, ya!
    Buwbuw likes this.
  14. Why are you crying sissy pants
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  15. It’s a sad story
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  16. Well life likes handing things lemons
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  17. That’s why you freeze them and yeet them back at life
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  18. Soggy defrosted lemon doesn't sound that great
  19. I chuck my lemons at hoes
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  20. That works too!
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