LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Brand New Social Box Swag!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. kinda cute ngl
  2. 😬 I think y'all did the female avis dirty... I mean, why is that girl reading with a magnifying glass? Why is that girl half-way riding a bike?
    Moondust likes this.
  3. Meh these ones are a 4/10
  4. send me all unwanted bb items, I still be needing sets from years ago 😔
  5. I already got some of the furni, they are cute.
  6. Thats so cute!! I love the avi <3
  7. Dawson's Creek is that you?🌚
  8. Wait, where are the food stuffs from?
  9. You can get them from the painters boxes
    Muschi and LeeJarrett like this.
  10. Bumping thread, rainbow donuts are the combined foods
    Emery likes this.
  11. Cute avis
    Bjsick93 and -Mallika- like this.
  12. Thinks you very much