NEW FEATURE Brand New: Pets!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATARogers, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Not possible, you’re also still missing an animal just keep trying
  2. Can we have snakes as pets
    Statuesque likes this.
  3. I wish there were a wider variety of animals that we could have as pets. I want pet frogs, snakes, lions, chameleons, owls, kangaroos, and tigers. That would be so cool^^
    LeeJarrett, Psycxdxlic and Statuesque like this.
  4. Lions, owls, kangaroos, and tigers are not suitable animals to have as a "pet." 😶 I would certainly hope that ATA would not encourage the illegal exotic pet industry.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Be patient, we just got the mini hedgehog two months ago and then more pets probably 2 months before that.

    If they keep going with this pace you could probably expect more (reasonable) pets within the next month or so.
  6. I so want a pet tarantula on here and maybe a python
    meili21 and Psycxdxlic like this.
  7. Patiently waiting for:
    a snake,
    chinchilla or mouse or hamster
    Goat or Llama :)
    Psycxdxlic likes this.
  8. I still haven’t gotten my hedgehog pet. I’ve had all of the other pets for months when the hedgehog was first announced. I don’t see why it’s taking months for me to get when all I do is open up 12hr capsules.
  9. My rs still hasn't gotten any super rare pets, it's all random
  10. I want more new pets
  11. Boxes are run randomly. Chill and be patient.
  12. Ok, so how about pets like goldfish or guppies, snake(s), or maybe like a lion cub...oorrrr a cute ass panda....oh oh about EXOTIC pets?! Sounds exciting BUT just a thought also.o_O;)
  13. Bird intensifies
    My time has come
    Bellissima likes this.
  14. I hope they add a macaw and the skins turn them into a certain species like the blue and gold or the Catalina macaws
    Statuesque likes this.
  15. Okay. 1week pet feeding is an overkill. You could at least let us feed more than 1 pet.
    sinnamanbun and LeeJarrett like this.
  16. Just asking but has anyone who's unlocked the Owl pet gotten the Rare Treats (Birdie Delux Treats) from the pet timer capsules?

    Been asking around and everyone who's unlocked the owl has yet to see these drop from opening timer capsules.

    I got really lucky and got the Owl within 5 days of it being released but have yet to pull a single rare treat needed for it to upgrade. Been getting plenty of the other ones, but the bird ones are literally nonexistent.
  17. Same! 2 days after the announcement I got the owl but up to this day not even a single birdie treat from that capsule. Guess that owl is stuck at its low level profile. I MEAN WHO WOULD EQUIP A WEAK PET
  18. Same, got the owl the 2nd day when it came out. Havent got the thing to pass lvl 3.
  19. We need a "kushy starling" purple bird named after my sexy gf, plus we should have a "BIGGiguana" preferably neon blue and green. Ill be waiting!!!!!😂😂😂