Bosen, I'm coming for you 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A51-MIKELAWREY-, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Nat333 serious question - other than using your mom/dads credit card to buy speakers so you can shout "Tou breach" when you arent at school, are you actually active in this game?

    Your stats haven't increased in a long time.

    Want me to speak to Bosen and get you some lessons on how to play the game?
  2. Nope i was told by my club 2 save up 2 a big certain amount of money then get tutors n teach em 2 upgrade n that stuff n wen I really rich like at 1bill or over than I upgrade fully 2 be an lcbc
  3. Well nat333 theres good news and bad news.

    And that news is 1bil won't get you even close to buying all your dorms.

    And you won't get a dorm and a t4 out of 1bil either.

    Want me to get Bosen to give you some lessons? You could pay her in speakers 
  4. So you mean you'll LCBC in about a year or so? btw click on this link and see the awesome website I made Http://
  5. Why Can't WE Be Friends
  6. It says Rick roll in the link smart one
  7. So, its a website how to Rick roll people on Xbox glitches, Ps3 etc
  8. No I meant like way over 1bill
  9. Then hire me.... Wait no! You would be such a noobish owner
  10. Lundqvist r u talking to me?
  11.  this is getting very serious.
  12. Holy crap, Bosen actually posted in here . Well, Bo keep dropping stats so I can catch up  Number 1 fan, Mike Lawrey  Hi Alice 
  13. Bo spoke to me before o_O

    Nat33 can I borrow about 2000 extra credits?
  14. I'll take 768 
  15. Are u taking her from jonny?
  16. Buying her? Thought about it when she was lower priced than she is now
  17. You ain't getting passed me sunny Jim
  18.  phan
  19. Well this should be fun, warring the immortals this weekend and Bo is on the roster as active 