Bookshelves For Days

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. Support kthanxs
  2. such creativity
  3. So are they gift able???
  4. damn, you had to sneak those in for me eh jean? i knew marcy secretly hated me
  5. These bookshelves look awesome!!
  6. All three are awesome nivlce work Marceline
  7. Should be able to purchase furniture with cash also not just ecs!
  8. What a shame, we don't have any ECs
  9. Wow more creative thing
  10. Suprise they aren't 500ec lol
  11. LOL

  12. How do u buy?
  13. Ole money hungry game.. Bring back campus wars.
  14. Marceline gimme me one shelf 
  15. But where is my EASTER CC PROMO?!

  16. The shade