
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Cherry1313, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. There is usually a vague link to the title in the first or even second update. However, I do not see it.

    This is a complete guess, but I think Faye shall turn on the main character, becoming her enemy, while Liam, the boy playing Romeo, shall dislike the main character at first, but eventually they fall in love with the help of having to practice the play roles and acting out certain scenes.

    And yet I still see no reference to 'Bomb'.
  2. Just let this die, clearly tash knows my whole story and has a need to know the meaning of my thread title. Since I cannot be bothered to argue otherwise.... this can die.
  3. Trash just give the poor girl a break! This is her story not yours! She doesn't want to have you going on at her all the time! Let her make this story her own, not yours! Cherry I think you should continue this story, most people really like it
  4. Tash, I honestly think you should have left it. See how the story progresses and stuff. At least have waited a while before interferring (spelt wrong, I know). It was kinda uneccessary. This story isn't actually that bad. I've read lots of stories where the title is completely irrelevent till nearly half way through the book. The title is to give a hint about the story, but also to catch the readers eye.
  5. Are you sure I should continue? I just don't want pointless arguments with Tash and I'm not saying I don't want CONSTRUCTIVE criticism but my self esteem is very low if I'm honest. Another term for saying how weak I am.
  6. This is a love story by the way but Jeez why can't I write one? It's not typical like Tash thinks honest but theres so much pressure but on people who want to make love stories. Unless they're cliché it isn't really a big deal.
  7. I am merely speculating. I have no need or wish for an argument. I do not know the plot of your story, as I said it was merely a guess. And I am simply curious as to see how the title would relate to the story. So, in actuality I am not causing any harm. I may be a little obnoxious, yes, but that is just how I am.
  8. "Mr.Tetner?"

    "Yes, Helle?" Mr.Tetner answered, glancing up at me.

    "I'd like to switch roles with Faye."


    "C'mon, you know Faye has dreamed of this role ever since the auditions were announced; I don't even want the role!" A couple of heads turned to inspect me as my voice raised a tad too loud but being me stared them down with an impenetrable glare.

    "Are you sure about that? Or is this all for Faye?" I stayed silent, considering his judgement. Would I want Juliet if it weren't for Faye? "You're playing Juliet, Helle. Whether you want to or not." S***.

    Head in hands, I stumbled into the bathroom, only to see Ella and Faye deep in conversation.

    "Faye, I tried talking to Mr.Tetner but he has-" Faye lifted a hand to shush me and my voice drifted into silence.

    "You know its not even the fact that ypu got it that pisses me off... it's the fact that you auditioned without even telling me?!" Faye's voice was rigid and cold.

    "Why would you do that, Helle?" Ella whispered solemnly.

    "I didn't."

    "You stupid little b****! We are not stupid!" Faye screamed.

    Then they were gone. Little Helle... friendless…
  9. It's Great!
  10. Ella and Faye are b****es. No other word for them. The next week consisted of dirty looks from all of the girls in my class, rehearsals with that nosy ass Romeo, Liam and lunchtimes spent with the boys in my class. Considering how immature most guys are the ones at my school are okay. At least they know what meticulous and inferior means. They know who Regina Spektor is and Alt J so I can talk to them easily. Until they start acknowledging I'm a girl; by this point the simply get pervy.

    On Friday, Faye came up to me as I was walking through the halls. A glimmer of hope threaded through my mind as she did so. That was until she shoved all the presents and drawings I'd given her and Ella in my chest.

    "Keep all this s*** because I really can't be bothered with your crap on my walls!" she screeched before flicking her hair like she was a f***ing plastic from Mean Girls.

    When rehearsals came around that night I was shattered and not up for a session of enthusiastic, dramatic time.
  11. Short and I need to do more but at least you have something...

    Soooooooooooooo tired....