Blood Runs Thin

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Satans_Crow, May 9, 2018.

  1. Chapter 1

    Life has a funny way of making everything ironic, doesn’t it? At one moment, you are wanting to die and then the next you find out that you are an immortal vampire...

    Let me start from the top. My name is James Moriarty, thanks to my parents who set me up to fail at life. “Let’s name our son after the greatest villain in all of literature” they said. As of grade three, they realized that I wasn’t the smartest kid in class and instantly gave up on me being “as intelligent as the real James Moriarty”. Not that I really care to live up to my name anyways.

    There were others that used this name to my disdain of course though. All through my childhood, this group of bullies picked on me due to it, calling me a nerd because “who would call themselves that other than a nerd?” Again, fairly ironic since I didn’t do all that well in school. The main tormentor of mine was this kid named Alex Frost. If he sounds anything like the stereotypical “cool guy” based on that name, he was. Blonde hair, wore sunglasses, only wore expensive brand clothing, the whole thing.

    So here comes my first instance of finding out that I’m a vampire. It was now high school and Alex decided that this was a special occasion, moving on from insults and pranks to publicly beating me in front of his friends. This didn’t go too well for him though. He threw a punch that landed across my jaw until a loud crack was heard. But it wasn’t from me. Seconds later, Alex screamed, looking down at his now broken finger with a bone protruding from the skin. Alex went to the hospital and got suspended for a few days while I had barely a mark on my face from the blow. I didn’t think too much of it though and neither did anyone else. Figured Alex had just thrown the punch incorrectly.

    For the next three years, Alex became worse until he got to the point of bringing a knife to school, threatening to kill me if I did or said anything that he didn’t like. It was around this time that I had enough. Not that I was going to do anything to stand up to Alex though, so let me rephrase that: I had enough of this life. During my years living, I learned one thing: life sucks balls. I grew up to be some depressed kid who didn’t do well in school and was made fun of for absolutely no reason. I wanted out, badly.

    I won’t go into too much detail, but what I did led me to completely bleeding out, no second thought given about my choice. That is, until I didn’t die. I had all of this blood pooled around me, but it didn’t affect me at all. I cleaned it all up and went back to living the life that I hate so much. My blood eventually replenished itself and I looked as healthy as ever. I’m not too sure about the details, but it seems that something is creating blood cells at an enhanced rate inside of me.

    Whatever the reason, something has made me become whatever I am. I have been referring to it as vampirism, since it is much simpler than saying “some sort of thing where I am tougher and can’t bleed out”. I’m not sure what the extent of these “powers” are, but I’m not sure if I’ll be testing it out. All I know is this: I don’t want to still be here.
  2. Chapter 2

    So you’re probably wondering, “if you’re a vampire, don’t you need to drink blood?” While I don’t find the taste of blood to be bad, I haven’t needed to drink it. As I stated before, it seems that my blood is produced at a rapid rate so I don’t need other people’s. Meanwhile, I still need to eat and drink water it seems. As to get the other stereotypes out of the way, here is a list of what makes me different from the vampires in media:

    1. I can eat garlic
    2. I can enter a home uninvited
    3. I can be in the sun
    4. I can cross running water
    5. I can see myself in the mirror
    6. Crosses and holy water do not hurt me
    7. I cannot become a bat (I was really hoping this one would happen)
    8. I appear in photographs
    9. I am nocturnal (although this is just because I stay up playing video games at night)

    As this list shows, the normal vampire stories don’t apply to me. It makes me wonder if there are others like me out there or if there are actual vampires like the ones in books and movies. If there are, maybe they’d know how to get rid of this so I can get out of this existence that I hate so much.

    ...Am I hoping for too much?
  3. Haha, cute.
  4. should have stopped at chapter 1
  5. Where are your stories then?
  7. yep very weak ^