Blink182, MCR, Matt and Kim

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Laura-the-Lomato, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. Yes ma'am. Of course.

    I'll do like half of the world tonight.
    Now go do your stuff homes.

  2. *is forever alone* noone thinks im awesome *grabs laptop and throws hands in pants* *half megusta half forever alone*
  3. (/)_-)

    Stupid Noob.

  4. Killed the epicness.

    I'm out of here now

  5. (/)_(\) i always ruin it for people *weeps in corner*
  6. Maton= King Troll
    Lauratic= Queen Troll

  7. Queen troll?

    Whatever could you mean? 
  8. I'm really jealous

    Not 
  9. I dont really know laura

    I thought we were close :O