Black Friday Extension and a Message From the Devs

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Jean, Nov 25, 2017.

  2. Thnx ata..... appreciated
  3. Compensation my buzzum. More like money hungry
  4. Omfg
    This is one hell of a compensation
  5. It weren't even this big a deal.
  6. Thank you very much
  7. Hope u will give me everyday 5 pimd keys???
  8. Yup blame Canada
  9. Do we get pimkeys every day?
  10. Do you think every day?
  11. Probably not
  12. What time do the rewards hit? I haven't gotten anything yet.
  13. Rewards? Force stopping/completely closing your app, then restarting it.
  14. Thanks ATA!!!
  15. Does anyone know when and if the avi boxes expire? I'm curious that if I don't use it by the end of this hunt I can open it at another time.
  17. Y’all must be new here