BL hits

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ________kilroy________________, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. Just means you can't fight your own battle
  2. Do it yourself op you coward 
  3. Erm... What part of no stripped tuts, absolutely no mal-intent don't you people understand?
    I can't do it alone because they would target me as a farmer. When I'm not. This isn' tfarming or none dat business.
    This is a practical joke.
  4. :lol:
  5. not a joke if 99+ ppl attack 1 person thats taking it overboard
    its not that hard....
  6. Ur on my alts BL
    ... 100 of you hit him
  7. Kilroy everyone of your threads have been a fail. The comments on your threads make my day though. So keep it up I enjoy a good laugh.