
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ll_iSid_ll-ll-DarkKnightDevil-, Aug 22, 2015.

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  1. where is sid
  2. i wonder if this is a birthday or is she reporting hits.
  3. siddy been mia for long
  4. 17th july
  5. 4th October
  6. Rose has a long running thread Here.

    Please try to not make so many similar threads as to what's already been done. :)
  7. so you gave reason to lock yet didnt lock ?
  8. Never said i was locking ;) just gave the link to Roses main thread
  9. i never said ur locking, i said u gave a reason to lock as he made a thread abt a topic that already existing, i thought dublicate threads deserves a lock guess i was wrong
  10. Well I'm trying To be nice and give him a chance to go a different direction, some sort of birthday game perhaps. Obvious dead end duplicates I lock. This one could take a new route. Should he wish to change main thread he can wall me and I can edit to include the new content. Mods in a good mood must not be a common thing....
  11. owww i am sorry i didnt know you were in good mood :( but clearly you dont know op
  12. I do not personally but I have seen his forums... But I try to give chances. Who knows maybe it will be a birthday contest :lol:
  13. i always thought rules are rules regardless of the mod is in good mood or bad mood, again i guess i was wrong
  14. If every similar thread were to be locked, then active topics pages 1-5 would all be full of locked threads. I was giving OP the chance to change the direction of his thread, as duplicate threads are locked at a mod's discretion, as I was giving him the benefit of the doubt to have not known about Rose's thread.

    However since you seem hell bound to keep this off topic, and to prevent me from actually being nice about the issue.

    Locking: Off Topic.
  15. im confused i thought your locking
  16. I'm confused too, I did lock 0.0 it was grey and locked and everything.

    Either another mod is messing with me or my connection is off. Hmmm. Try this again.
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