
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ll_iSid_ll-ll-DarkKnightDevil-, Aug 22, 2015.

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  1. How can they get all that from a birthdate ? and June 25
  2. I'm not gonna go into the specifics,wasn't solely mybirthday,was a multitude of details collected ...the birthday was just ONE part of info used to narrow down... but anyone from big sfw knows I'm not joking about it...
    The more personal info one shares on pimd, may someday catch up with you, when in the hands of a psycho.....
  3. Yeah, but I guess sid needs brains to hack into private info :|
  4. lets be honest they dont care much about safety, rp request allowed as start, game age ratings decreased to 13 tho we know who are around
  6. Y'all don't know a thing about internet citizenship or safety
  7. Lol, good luck for college then :D

  8. You were hatched later than I had expected, your adult life is gonna be magical ?
  9. Wait. I can solve this puzzle. Just wait.

    Jan. 4
  10. November 4th
  11. Oh hey, he has the same birthdate as OP ?
    Guess who we have here
  12. Oh look 100
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