Birthday War Sign up sheet

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ThotMuffin, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. I'm up, whichever side
  2. You already know I'll be there  totally forgot to post here. I'm bringing someone
  3. 5mcs, put me on the undead whatever side. Also could you remind the day of? That is far, I will forget.
  4. im up. any side will do
  5. 1. Something mcs, I don't even know Chris 
  6. Might come so whatever side. Just send a link please :) I'll try to be there if it's an open war and join the losing side
  7. 3.9mcs wandering rogue
  8. 17mcs. Any side will do
  9. 1.5MCS any side will do
  10. 16mcs. Undead's side.