Birbs and Borbs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NightingaIe, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. Hello everyone! As your local bird enthusiast I felt it my responsibility to provide a channel where people can show off bird memes, pictures of there birds, pictures of other bird, etc. Feel free to help contribute!πŸ’™
    Cinnabun, Muschi, Beeva and 4 others like this.
  2. Oh for the love of goodness I've never been able to do the pictures🀧
  3. This is my all time favorite bird gif:


    Cinnabun, RoseMilkTea, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  4. Thanks to @Muschi here is the picture that went with the original post!πŸ’™
  5. You have a pet pidgeon?
    NightingaIe likes this.
  6. mega birb
    NightingaIe likes this.
  7. Oh no I wish, that was just a picture I found online (don't think I haven't tried to catch one thoughπŸ˜…)
  8. Oooooo. Idk if would be good or not. They shit alot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  9. So do people
  10. Not really
  11. Birds are drones,the spies in the sky!
  12. That shit is poison ☠️ killing random people day by day
  13. Birds be dropping bombs harder than Obama