Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kush_King_Blu_Dream, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. You're right Spit but when that person turns their back on you, blame you for the consequences of their own screw ups, then tries to be little you, they are no longer a friend.
  2.  I knew him very well and yes I got flipped on for calling him by his real name in a cc as well!! All I'm saying is I understood why he did that and still have respect for him.  This is pointless. You have your opinion and I have mine.
  3. No comment, cuz I might just spit fire and BURN YOU ALLLLLL,

  4. Muffin why.are u such a negative nancy? I made the thread because i wanted to. Like i said i had and have no beef with him, and want everyone.he had beef with to know we.knew nothing of his beef. He never got out of line with me. U stated ur business here move on.
  5. Big Daddy has spoken
  6. Now I want a cheeseburger.
  7. Bacon cheeseburger with colby jack mmmm
  8. dont forget the bacon on that cheeseburger
  9. 
  10. Goku from my understanding because no one wanted to help him with his beef idk honestly.
  11. well i guess my friend was beating him
  12. Biggz was a good person I'm quite pissed to hear he left the game n this so called problem with him
  13. In my opinion Biggz was a great guy. I was a member of black wall clovers when it was around. Sure he had parts of his life that were trouble, but he was an outstanding guy. Sorry to see him leave and I wish the best for him and pink.
  14. He was in love with drama, good riddance 
  15. Hmmm

    We were close for a short time and tbh I found him very hostile, it was like walking on egg shells lol
  16. What are you apologizing for Blu, You weren't in it. He was always smart enough to leave the club when drama was started, Why apologize on OFM's behalf? Jai really you tolerated him for me because I'm your so called "friend"? Cause if that were true when you joined OFM we would have actually been talking still, You need your head checked sweetie to think we would still be friends after the bs you just pulled. BiGGz is an amazing man who you clearly didn't actually take the Time to get to know if you think different. Yeah, sure he didn't put up with bs but most people I know on here don't put up with it aswell. Are you all that butt hurt he quit? Let the guy quit in peace, People do actually have real lives contrary to popular belief.
  17. Pink aka Mrs.Biggz 
  18. Lets be clear Sweetheart, my problem with BiGGz was because of you. I didn't like him because of the way he treated you. You don't talk to hardly any of your friends you had before him. All your complains and problems with your "perfect man" you told me and I clearly brought his ego back down to reality with them when he came at me sideways. Now you know me well enough to that NO ONE is off limits when it comes to BS. Now I have a PM, use it like he did.
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