Big Game Super Sale

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Ty ATA i wanted this avi

  2. Thanks Pimd? Thanks for selling avis for 89ec? Srsly? Dvp me, then thank me for it! 
  3. i was going to say the same, thank you for selling avis for 89ecs :mrgreen:
  5. @ pimd C Please can you show the avis available?
  6. Fume it's not that hard to look through the avatar store lol do it yourself
  7. You forgot one Rose
  8. It's not for me. It's for people who didn't know until looking at this thread. ️
  9. @Rose.

    Thank you for being awesome as always 
  10. Which one? 
  11. Love the AVIs, but wish football boy was STR based. Maybe, we will get one that is.
  12. Awe ATA you've tempted me ?!
    But thank you for selling a 50% avi .
  13. Thanks for selling them for 89 EC since they do have 50% stats and are premium avatars! ? I like the pricing
  14. Can you get your nose any further up there??
  15. I'm good in bed too try me
  16. The football player, next to the football fan I think his name is.
  17. Step up your game Rose, like,gosh 