
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Growl, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. Can helicopters identify as bisexual?
  2. They go both ways
  3. But planes only go forward. Or straight down if it's a Boeing...
    Oh, too soon :cry:
  4. BRUH
  5. Why Cant I be on Zanders Team? he cute
  6. Zander is sportphobic
  7. Same tho
  8. I guess this is what I get for tryna be funny :(

    S/he's like 30mcs too
  9. Well answer the man or lady you tryna rp peach wave hand drip drop fire emoji or nah
  10. I play for the Alexa team
  11. Haha someone else that posted got the same message
  12. I'll RP and I'm 60mcs, what's the big deal?