
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheFemaleReject, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Team bi! But I prefer men any day. I'd like someone less bitchy. Girls tend to catch and hold feelings too long. I can't deal with their consistent annoying asses. They scream for every little thing. U don't rub them they shoot don't clean up after yourself they shoot don't eat they shoot you...its too many ways to die with a female. Males just are more secure and laid back. We just need xboxes,beer,NFL, electronics and we'll be fine.
  2. #womenAreLove ?
  3. Someone explain this

    Most lesbians are cute from a guys prospective

    Most gays are cute from a girls prospective

    Most straights are cute from a gay/lesbian prospective

    Sorry if that offended anyone lol it's just what I think is true
  4. You know it's sad when you dont what you typed lol
  5. ?im straight ,..but gay men omg why theyre so hot and dont even like girlsso sad...be my bff so i can hug freely lolll
  6. Lmfao jerry :p
  7. Dude on dude is just.......ewwwwwwe

    Girl on girl ok if the girl are hot

  8. Because Roro, that's what I was saying. I don't remember the technical term for it but it isn't bi.. It's where you don't care the gender and blahblahblah I'm tired don't judge me >.> I'll throw a tornado thing at you jerk<3