Team bi! But I prefer men any day. I'd like someone less bitchy. Girls tend to catch and hold feelings too long. I can't deal with their consistent annoying asses. They scream for every little thing. U don't rub them they shoot don't clean up after yourself they shoot don't eat they shoot you...its too many ways to die with a female. Males just are more secure and laid back. We just need xboxes,beer,NFL, electronics and we'll be fine.
Someone explain this Most lesbians are cute from a guys prospective Most gays are cute from a girls prospective Most straights are cute from a gay/lesbian prospective Sorry if that offended anyone lol it's just what I think is true
?im straight ,..but gay men omg why theyre so hot and dont even like girlsso my bff so i can hug freely lolll
Because Roro, that's what I was saying. I don't remember the technical term for it but it isn't bi.. It's where you don't care the gender and blahblahblah I'm tired don't judge me >.> I'll throw a tornado thing at you jerk<3