
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheFemaleReject, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. #Detergent
  2. #IDGAF.
    #Fuck Her right in the pussy.
  3. #Fridge

  4. #LetItGoElsa
  5. @ViP
  6. bi=best of both worlds 
    Bi Love <3
  7. As long as you're happy it's whatever you wish and whatever you're comfortable with.

    I don't believe sexuality is a choice you're attracted to whatever you're attracted to. You can't force yourself to be attracted to someone you're just not.
  8. @Skit.
    I can change that ;)
  9. #WHOtheHECKcares

    If ya happy go for it! Reach for the stars grab them sunsabishes and rip'em out the sky! Then and only then turn around look at ur haters and tell'em all kiss ur ass! U faced amd conquered ur fears, I bet they cant!
  10. #CoupDetat
  11. well then...just...
  12. #GodIsAwesome
  13. #SpermyTheSpermWhale
  14. #SpremyTheSpermWhale Fucked A snail right in its tail.
  15. I think lesbians are hot #StraightGuyLovesStraightAndBiGirls
  16. #DualCore #OctaCore #Octo
  17. why do guys like girls that like girls? I've never understood that...