Beta Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CatLady, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. The mighty bros won against The amazing cool kids 
  2.  I wanted to be in the mongoose but I ended up with the bros and had an amazing time. We won in for round two Aswell. I missed you elei
  3. The Great Cool Kids! 

    Sucky name ain't it?
  4. The names of the clubs were awful but it was fun to make fun of the names  actually I did like the name mongoose  I don't know it's just so amusing.
  5.  Maybe next round we'll be together!
  6. I joined test #2 can't wait to see it missed the first one 
  7. The Great Cool Kids. :D getting milked like a baws.
  8. I was in the amazing popular kids lol
  9. Do they ask anyone or just certain people?
  10. Idevice users. Profile.
  11. Anyone with an apple device was able to participate, and is still able to participate.
  12. It was amazing that I join for the next test 
  13. The war on my profile started about 12/13 minutes before the real thing did.
  14. That's became the counter on your profile started as soon as sign ups ended, the one in the club didn't start till clubs were matched.
  15. We were losing till the 3 minute mark, then we won by 40M. I lead The Witty Champions To the VictoryI felt like Felix 
  16. Smh  I'm telling Mrs. P that you're a glory hog.
  17. I'm not Alice I got caught up in the moment leave me alone .-.