Beta War Trials Return

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. Did all 10 beta wars, wore me out lol  pimd_C, was there any one else who did all 10?
  2. That's impressive!
  3.  that's not an answer tho to my question
  4. I still haven't received my award it's been more than 48hrs now
  5. Please read the update at the top of page 1 in this thread
  6. [imgfit*][/imgfit*]
  7. omg i hope this one will work . Just practicing sorry :(
  8. Still haven't got my achivement!! Plz do something!!
  9. I still have not received my award either 
  10. I got excited when I saw this in active topics, but now realize it's old :(
  11. Stop bumping these old threads and getting peoples hopes up -.-
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