Beta Test our Latest Game: Party in my Dungeon!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. I’m one of the few who didn’t fall for it 
  2. You guys did awesome this April fools pat yourself on the back because this was hilarious 
  3. I fell for it, but I would be really invested in this tho 
  4. Anyone else really want this game to actually exist?! ?
  5. Same. I forgot what day it was and listened to/watched the whole thing. Made my day. 
  6. I’d like to see ATA try to revive GaW or Future Combat
  7. I only clicked the link because I want to play that game! I can't believe I fell for it ?I should have known a game about partying in a dungeon was too good to be true
  8. Dear my ata party apes.

    You didn’t have to make an elaborate “prank” to get me in a dungeon with you 

    So the question remains.... my party dungeon or yours?
  9. I totally want to be the first to test this game!! It sounds cool as fuq!!! Can we please get it for real?
  10. They gave you a cheesy 80s ginger link.
    Why would they revive games that they never cared aboot?
  11. Sounds shady to me
  12. GaW was my fave 
  13. I'd gawk at Gaw's gussy
  14. I am hurt and offended by this  I want it
  15. This is a decent idea but expensive we should get a party in the workplace game these people got to graduate from college sometime right or maybe even like a party in the hood or my block party type game for the college dropouts lol.
  16. i would play it tbh
  17. ATA did this same idea with a game just like that exactly
  18. I didn’t check the date. I was just scrolling through past posts. And I clicked on it. And was like uh, okay. And then I was Rick Rolled. Fml
  19. Yessss! :)
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