Beta Test our Latest Game: Party in my Dungeon!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. Yes ata, I'll never gonna give Party in My Dungeon up. So you shouldn't never let me down :'))) I was so readyyyy
  2. Got rick rolled  happy April fools folks! 
  3. Foooooool
  4. Love this! I will also take that Avi.
  5. I actually fell for it 
  6. Wowowow I was ready
  7. Lmao 
  8. FDMS,fooled ?
  9. The links bring me to a YouTube video. wtf
  10. Really? Keep trying maybe
  11. Damn I was fooled
  12. How is this gay
  13. Ata ihy
  14. I feel bad for people who say "this avi looks cool." It never was an avatar. Its Kingdoms at War's mascot for the load screen.

    On a side note, Nice try ATA, but I was smart enough to read comments first to see everyone's feedback. Swerved the April Fool's joke like a boss. ?
  15. I have tried bout ten times in a row. I keep getting the same youtube video from s song my mom knows. Are you guys sure the beta testing link works. Could you send me the actual link.
  16. Best thing ever . Love it!?