Best Fight Pattern To Hit An Inactive Farm

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Night_Predetor_-, Oct 15, 2017.


  2. You make more on a farm when you are full, less when you are empty.

    Fighting a near dtw farm takes 5% of your energy. Every 5mins, you recover 9%.

    So 2-2-2-2-1 generally seen as the best since you end up with:
    => 90%,99%,89%,98%,88%,97%,87%,96%,91%,100%

    (Dance takes 6%, which is why it is just 2-1 for that, 88%,97%,91%,100%)
  3. M8 M8 M8 y teh fok r u hitin inactive acc f u r gon hit somthin dat wont hit bak yu might as wel hit cat cafe to grow evn quiker
  4. Agreed unless OP wants to increase his fight losses
  5. then be a fairy
  6. They say don't enter the kitchen if you can't take the heat
  7. Bro I am a poor old money to spend on cats ?
  8. Then sell your entire showcase for a cat
  9. TL;DR 2-2-2-2-1 when fighting for plunder and 2-1-2-1 when dancing for plunder. Sticky pls
  10. For a cat!? Stop talking have crossed the line now ?
  11. no they may hit back