Being farmed at. Need help.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KANGDANIEL, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. Woah woah woah, speak for yourself youngin , I personally enjoy being farmed and wished I'd get more inc.
  2. Ghost stop copying me pls

    get ur own content
  3. But like, that's alot of effort
  4. but i like crying and whining about it when i get farmed tho :( tis fun
  5. That could cost more than the cf...

    What if said farming mercs were actually just  alts? ?
  6. “Being farmed at”
    Grammatically incorrect chicka

    Anyways sorry to hear about that
  7. Bump.
    MoonMassacre likes this.
  8. I mean if op made a forum post about it...clearly they can’t handle it so I agree
    MoonMassacre likes this.
  9. Shovels work better ?
  10. Man, i was gonna say drop stats and quit but you cant even drop stats anymore lmaoo
  11. Yea you can do this or ignore and don’t respond because ppl usually get tired...
    Jaidah likes this.
  12. I heard a rumour that we might be able to do it again soon
  13. 😂😂😂