Beginner Friendly Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cathartic, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Since there was expressed interest in another Friendly War, here’s the details for Tomorrow’s Beginner Friendly War. War starts at changeover 3pm est. War will be declared 1.5hrs before start of war.

    These wars are to help those who want learn how to war or whose interested in learning more.

    Volunteers are always welcome.

    Note the Rules are Simple:
    •All kcs Welcome
    •No in-housing
    •There is No Prize at the end
    •No win or lose
    •No unsportsmanlike conduct
    •I will wall you club you are assigned to
  2. Not a lot of time to gather participants

  3. Was already talked bout earlier today and decided on this just sign up thread so I can organize teams first thing tomorrow
  4. I understand that but if you look at other examples of wars this stuff is normally planned way in advance where this kind of seems like a spur of the moment thing.
  5. I'm in
  6. Who knows war club? Count me inn please
  7. please be my pup and help me understand wars
  8. I love the idea, but as Maddi stated you may want to allow more time to gather participants 😊
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. Fawk friendly wars, massacre yo enemies, give them total and utter defeat boi. Ain't nobody got time for that friendly shyt. The great USA didn't win wars being friendly, we got up in dat bytch and fawked shyt up. So go fawk shyt up boiii and oh ya have fun.
    King_ofHerWorld, Vo and DivineSecrets like this.
  10. Uh this changed to the Friendly Fighter Wars thread and it has since died out. But thanks for your advice. If I ever do another one, I’ll keep it in mind