For scars I'd say use any type of cream or serum with vitamin c. I use pharmagel their "pharma c serum" works wonders
For scars, there is a silicone glide on product called Pro-Sil, which is made by Biodermis. (my surgeon from Mayo Clinc recommended it) Silicone helps flatten and reduce the pigmentation and thickness of the scar. Pro-Sil comes in either a lipbalm size tube or the bigger sunscreen size tube. I used it after my last surgery, and it worked great. You can start applying it pretty much as soon as your cut starts healing. For me, about 3 days post surgery. It says it can be used on existing scars too, but I'm not sure how well it helps them.
I think it was beauty tips if people don't think so that's their problem all of u haterz need to stop it she was kind enough to share her opinion