LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Beauty and the Beast Story Pass ๐Ÿฅ€

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. It's the same either one. Did one on main and other on alt
    Amarilove likes this.
  2. Worst format ever- DO NOT BUY, save your ECs!!! These Avis ain't even worth the trouble.
    -Anam-, Mitz, bloodhoney and 4 others like this.
  3. I picked flirtatious and it says "collect 15 silver rose coins", so basically its the same thing either if you choose scared or flirtatious its the same thing, and yet we get miserable rewards for this one, except tier before last one gives 1 dn other than usual bs lol
    LeeJarrett and Amarilove like this.
  4. I woke up in this kind of... bs.Is this an april fools entry? if yes, damn. you got us real good.
    iMoan and LeeJarrett like this.
  5. Ata not too many people are doing this story pass. Running out of ideas just ask the people.
    LeeJarrett, Mitz and Yuaru like this.
  6. So um, are we just going to keep collecting the complete xc's? just going to have completed xc tiers hanging out, clogging up our xc center for 12 weeks...? thats... a choice.
    Virtue, Felin, iMoan and 5 others like this.
  7. You already got 5 silver rose coins from 1st xc, the 2nd one gives 10 which is 15 in total. And im assuming that every next xc sp daily gonna be 20, 25, 30 etc etc for the next 10 weeks (as this one is 2nd) which is kinda absurd because ain't no way someone gonna be able to finish it all unless if they're in ec clubs ๐Ÿ™ˆ
    So if you have cash sp you'll be able to do one more week, if you got vip you'll be able to extend cash sp and do all 12 weeks.
    Hope this helps โœŒ๐Ÿผ
    Eros likes this.
  8. Okay so, I had gotten over 70k rings from the previous tier.. Why isn't it going towards this new one? We just HAVE to start from the bottom up again? Like from zero, and you KEEP adding 1k every time for the past 12 weeks?? Seriously, this is stupid. This is hella bugged and people don't like it.
  9. I just came again to say this SP format is the most tedious thing you guys ever released. And unlike your goal to keep people engaged, it just been driving me away altogether from SP and the game. Thank you I guess. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿซฃ
    Virtue, Rosalia, LeeJarrett and 8 others like this.
  10. Like others, just back to say I'm still hating the format of this. It's not making me want to play more. It's to the point I just don't care about even the cash version of the story pass. Like why even try and grind it out for rewards that just aren't enticing enough to even put forth that effort? Much like my overall attitude towards the game has become, I get what I get and move along not caring what I miss out on.
    LeeJarrett, Fobia, Victoria and 4 others like this.
  11. Trash.

    Just adding that on the pile of feedback in case they still don't get it.
    verrmaj, LeeJarrett, Ayse and 4 others like this.
  12. After reading all comments. It's very apparent that the original format is what players want. Pimd has made some improvements with the second dorm (we waited a year to unveil itself, but the event was fun to earn the tokens.)And the new layout for buttons in our profile is convenient. Even the last 6 months art in hunts seemed to have improved, even if not everyone's cup of tea. But this, this "trial" 12 week story pass is just. . It's not to benefit the community at all. SP is one of very few activities we get to purchase to participate in that's not pinned down to a time frame in game, even if the avatars were the best looking and prizes to exchange for were worthwhile, 12 weeks is really, it's unfathomable why you'd test such a long period.
  13. Hi ata again here to say, this wasn't what we wanted and we all hate it. Sincerely everyone on this post ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†•๏ธ
  14. Now that we're on the 2nd week of the storypass, I wanted to share my input.

    ~Having us wait each week for the next story to be released isn't ideal. People wanna be able to finish the sp at the rate they want.
    ~While the layout is weird & new to us, seeing all the rewards shown to us up front isn't too bad. However, this new layout is glitching for me, A LOT. The tasks(__/57, __/1410) keep resetting to "0" constantly like I haven't completed anything.
    ~This layout also imposes rough challenges for your free-to-play & new player database that you claim you want to help grow. The max rings they can get for potd(without sub) is 140. Many small players would have to use dns to hit that max amount for 1 party. 10k rings is about 72 potd parties(more if they don't hit max rings). Your f2p players also usually don't have ec drops(kini/cat/dog), dns, or keys, so those tasks are automatically out for them.
    ~Also, we're still on cash version of storypass... 10.1k for week one, and 11.3k for week two is obviously too much, again, for new players and/or f2p players.
    ~Rewards for the xc stories are kinda meh. It may look good ec wise(I did the math cause I'm a nerd๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ˜†) for those that take the time to check the values, but about half the rewards aren't worth getting as rewards to be honest.
    Most higher stat players don't care for piggy banks, spinner tokens, slow jams, bro code amp, or specific speed ups because they usually have a stockpile of them already and don't really use them.
    ~I love 2 of the fem avis, and I'll continue the sp for them, but this is sad. Ik the males have been spoken about not being up to par.

    -Another sp with a furni set please! This could've been a great storypass to have a furni set for!(not tradeable though; had re-sellers for the ocean one๐Ÿ™ƒ)
    -Please give better male avis, if we get a cute fem beast, they should get a handsome male beast. Males don't gotta look tough & ugly.

    I hope you guys will listen to what everyone is saying and do better for your community๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿซถ
    JayaBallard, iMoan, Xienna and 8 others like this.
  15. 2 weeks in and not enough coins for the first avi!!?! WTH ata.
  16. Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize that๐Ÿ˜ฎ that's sad๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜”
    bloodhoney and LeeJarrett like this.
  17. Well, in the previous format, the first set of avatars are only obtained at the end of the cash pass, so this checks out since the cash pass is drawn out for 3 weeks.

    ..... back to the current iteration being a terrible format overall.
    iMoan and LeeJarrett like this.
  18. The VIP lounge would have been a nice purchases when you do the story pass. What am I supposed to do with it now that I'm done with this week's tasks?

    Again, very bad format all around. I can't stress enough how dumb this is.
    LeeJarrett and Victoria like this.
  19. Agree definitely boring and disappointing.
  20. Just also voicing my disappointment.