Beach Party Details

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Haha mods in this game are stupid why make sexual references when people can't say them? If they do they're silenced.. 17 game? Nah more like 10 since everything you say or do you're silenced for it
  2. It's ridiculous. They make sexual references and as soon as we use them people get silenced. Okay. Hypocrites.
  3. Absolutely ridiculous. We spend enough money here to own this damn game and they silence and remove names/ statuses. It's ok for them to make disgusting and perverted parties that encourage RP and sexual predators but when we use their terminology we get punished for it?! We can't even use parentheses and periods to make boobs but they can use bouncy beach balls and a thong?! How about that wiener on a stick? That's a nice juicy sausage you've got there eh? And lets not forget the sun tan lotion. Who holds a lotion tube with a fist like that? With all that creamy white stuff squirting out. Give me a break! "Bare it all bay" need I really say anything?! DOUBLE STANDARD!!!!
  4. "Indecent/inappropriate language/pictograms in public channels"

    Right. Mmkay.
  5. I had made a thread exactly about the double standards, unfortunately it got derailed by trolls and people wrongly under the impression that if you disagree with something the solution is to quit.

    That methodology worked wonders for the civil rights movement! Do nothing, say nothing, remove yourself from the situation and it'll get better.

    It's not a matter of not having a sense of humor. That's a false equivalence. It's about ATA breaking their own rules and not sticking to their own word and punishing people for doing the EXACT same thing they're doing.
  6. Sayisha, I totally agree with you! I definitely don't feel like I should have to quit the game I've played for 2 years just because ATA has broken their own rules. All the sexual content they get away with is absolutely appalling. We know there are underage players here. I simply want to be allowed to use the same terminology that ATA has deemed appropriate by using it themselves. Otherwise, they need to clean up their act!
  7. I've been playing since 2011 and the game is ATA is becoming more corrupt than the fucking government 
  8. Karma karma karma is gonna find you,
    What you gonna do if they come to you?
  9. Lol Melon. Truth!!
  10. Oh yeah. I've just reported a guy asking for young girls. I took a ss. I mean, the mods have NO problem looking at statuses and wrong long clearing them or silencing for someone asking for rp (which doesn't normally happen but did this time) and hey allowed this guy to keep asking for young girls over and over. His mame is


    Oh that's ok but saying OCTOPUSSY isn't.

  11. Yay they silenced the perv.
  12. But he's joined the_Good-life which is filled with other pedophile perverts. Way to go ata.
  13. I've been partying b2b since this event started but why I've only getting crabs, a lot of crabs ......but nothing else, this sucks
  14. But y are all of u whining war people war thread people who are sooo offended dont play and come back when done i mean if u guys are gonna complain pick new stuff yall beatin a dead horse at this poin sooo repetitive blah blah blah anyway i just want trophies and better drop rates that is all
  15. I know what your saying hunk. The drops arent happening just crabs. Very frustrating! Whats the point of trying for non existing drops. Very disappointed.
  16. Monday Morning now at ASEAN
  17. No spermy has dropped yet ?
  18. Please fix the damn drop rate for the octopussy smh its horrid