Beach Party Details

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. you don't even need to say 'pussyy or pussyn'

    Just pussy is uncencored. An abomination!!! You ata are fired. Pack up your shit and leave this thread your deviant little so and so.
  2. wtf the recencored it :lol: typical
  3. @ pimd we party fairies were excited about this parties,this is getting boring.... :(
  4. Ohh nice Makeover pimd role play in my dorm.this is perv fest parties: :p
  5. octopusstoctopussy
  6. were excited until we seen them :lol: why the hell do you do this to us ata? :lol: there incoming wars better be damn good or i want a time refund :lol:
  7. i never got a drop of ec items like jersey n octopussy??
  8. Lets keep these parties around its a nice break from cat cafe
  9. Seriously ata i got the useless balls as drops?? M i supposed to b happy. :D
  10. The drop rate for octopussy sucks
  12. People giving ATA crap about modifying the censorship temporarily and calling them hypocrites obviously didn't read the ROC and obviously don't know that its NOT YOUR GAME, ITS ATAS RULES AND GAME.

    From The RoC:
    We do maintain the right to modify our word censorship list at any time should we feel that the language used is harmful towards our target audience. You may not use profanity or bypass the software-based censor. In addition to words included in the censor list, sexual remarks and slang may be considered profane when used in certain contexts.
  13.  Sexual remarks and slang maybe considered profane. Lol look at the stuff they've put out. The descriptions of party actions. Not feeling the sexuality?

    And when they said they have to right to modify words they clearly meant to censor newer words that might be deemed offensive not un-censor them. The following statements after it elaborate on the meaning.
  14. *may be

    Not that it matters since this game is 17 and it's always been sexual. But to say pimd isn't slapping their RoC in the face is just nonsense.

    And you wonder by people don't take rules seriously when so many exceptions are made 
  15. ?now people going around saying milk my ooctopussy no unloads in it??Sounds so kinky?
  16. -Anna- well said. ATA I understand what u are saying but how can you crack the whip when the 3 items dropped or for this event are let's face it sexual terms. The do as I say not as I do method doesn't work when dealing with young adults and up. Talk the talk and walk the walk. Just sayin.'
  17. gift me beach crabs (100,000) and beach balls (10,000) help me reach my goal and record