Beach Party Details

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Lets keep the new parties instead of them being temp
  2. Will clubs get trophy for completing beach parties??
  3. if we as players said some of the words pimd did we would be silenced or banned -_- talk about bias
  4. @ pimd for the 13 and up stuff they are getting the info from this

    Read the bottom section
  5. not taking sides here but I find this thread quite amusing I can not say how much I am laughing as most players outwit and cleverly respond to the devs tho, ( not kissing but ), they always favour the party people . And most of em wanted a party like cat cafe others wanted a summer hunt or something like that


    so they concluded in making an effort in the silly names like spermy the spermwhale and the octopussy , so what are you kids immature to take things like an adult you claim you are , with all due respect of course , you should take the matter into support (altho id rather keep reading the funny answers ) but it seems pimd and pimd is having quite a hand full .

    As we complain others pay to play so in the eyes of the devs

    Let's take the time to speak our minds and reach an agreement till then just keep stating your minds as



    Anyways support just keep this to a min. I don't want to see the good forumers get banned for speaking their minds remember this is the devs we are addressing to , we can all end in a good agreement ..

    Let us know in a new thread about the upcoming wars , we are cranky already u can see the commotion @pimd

    ? that's all I have to say ... And well what I think in this particular situation .. I'm out :roll:
  6. @pimd @pimd_admin

    Make whale giftable??
  7. Anya you moaned and cried over that funny porn gif and yet here you are supporting these pervy gifts and parties?? Sucking up to the dev's I see LOL
  8. :lol: I find em amusing at least they don't keep this game bland as its getting to be :lol: but god knows I won't buy an octopussy :lol: I never even buy hypno cats :roll:
  9. This thread was a good laugh.

    This is what makes pimd
  10. Pimd um i have 2 questions
    1. Why dont we get club award for completing this party.
    2. Why is there no completeion award its like the parties never existed at least in my eyes
  11. Kaname got silenced.
    Watch our warriors ATA is silencing you all one by one.
  12. What r whales suppose to do and how do u get it..plz someone wall me when they know thanks
  13. Yes, except you can't get silenced for things you do in forums. :roll:
  14. Blah blah blah, again with the wanna be mod lol
  15. Whales are 50 ec and are dropped from parties as well. You can get up to ten and they give a 10,000 bonus on both intel and strength just like other items