Beach Party Details

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. anya its the crappy devs we cant handle
  2. @pimd. I'm Anyone and I'm not underage. #CaseKlosed :lol:
  3. Yes the game is 13 plus with parents consent, but if they mention their age they still get permanently silenced. Bitching at Pimd about age requirements and party themes is ridiculous, don't like it delete the app.
  4. ?I think this is funny. y'all need to chill. It's not like there's actually porn on here. Just enjoy. It's called "Party in my dorm" for a reason
  5. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????⌚????????????????????????????????????✉???????✒???✏??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????⛅❄????????????????????????⏳⌛⏰????????????♻⛔????????ℹ❎✅✔?➕➖?➗✖??????????????↕↔⤴⤵⏫❇??⏬?⚪⚫◻◾◽▫?⭐◼⬜⬛????⁉❗❓??〰➰↪?↩?????☑?????????????????⚓????????Ⓜ??????????????????????????????
  6. Anya shut up lol you shoulda deleted the app a long time ago

    Its crystal clear

    Ata only wants the money

  7. New Party ️??? I Cant Sleep 
  8. Delete the app? Nah, I like the game I don't bitch about themes or age requirements that's all the other idiots. 
  9. @pimd, people are being silenced for talking about war here? Why?
  10. You like the game but you dont mind the themes that are arguably ruining the game

    That's what this is about
  11. Sorry. Forum banned
  12. This isn't about themes, this thread was originally to let y'all know about it, and instead you're bitching like always. ? sometimes I wonder why Pimd isn't just like, fuck it we are just gonna stop giving them things and let the game sit.
  13. How is a beach ball gift tuning the game? 
  14. I believe that pimd can change the tou without actually changing the tou if that makes sense. As in, they can make new rules but don't have to update the text on the game straight away. Pretty sure that was said before with the silencing issues once anyway when the rules were tightened before they were relaxed
  15. Because they might be taken as boobies soph 

    Clearly Charlie the unicorn was removed because he was too graphic. This is more subtle
  16. Oh no beach balls and wieners what will we do ?
  17. All this back talk from players to devs... They should make an example of someone to remind us who is really in charge. Boom ban!