Beach 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Oct 18, 2011.

  1. @bubbz more like lying than joking
  2. Ha10

    I was referring to bub.
  3. Eh. My hair is going back to red

  4. Yuck. I hate red hair. No offense
  5. her name says 1998 but she says she's 15 and she claims she doesn't have a pic of her "baby" and she claims her friend got pregnant at the same time as her... what else has she lied about?
  6. Yuck i hate bubz

    Lots of offence
  7. My hair USED to be red. Now I'm blonde but I'm slowly going back to red.
  8. I'm a brunette. Got gold highlights, changing them to red soon.

    Bubbass, your jokes and lies are terrible. GET A STUPID LIFE.
  9. She is a 38 y/o man!!! Living in her parents closet getting off on watching them sex it up
  10. Oh okay. WHAT bearniey. You were being Bice to me for a while. What happened
  11. Bubbub, lots of offense.

    Red hair's prettier than your blonde haired stupidity.

    Mind you, I'm part blonde. But this is just 
  12. Bubbub, people change.

    You're obvously lying, why should she be nice to you?!

    Nobody likes you.
  13. U made another thread
  14. Is that the reason?
  15. And i saw the rest of the thread the one with the ANDROID
  16. If I dont reply it's because I'm falling asleep. Bot the fact that I'm ignoring you
  17. Because our little bubbass here doesn't know the meaning of honesty, modesty, selflessness, or maturity and respect.

    She lacks the mind and intelligence of a normal human too.
  18. Bubbub, if you keep telling people to get off your threads, you're telling the whole forumers' community.

    You're infamous. Very infamous in PIMD forums...
  19. hey bub how many weeks were u when ur baby was born? just curious as to see if ur accurate cos i know how many weeks preg u are if ur baby came 7 weeks premature