Discussion in 'Wars' started by DJ_Macca, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Where was those five clubs u speak of when yun was sf into selling hmmm too busy to help cuz we all know party much more important
  2. I think yun didnt want help
  3. Oh really that's why she blew up my pm asking for help if u never been in a sf war then u have no clue so distance your self
  4. Lose a tril then come talk to me sloth
  5. well......
  6. Although 5 BCS clubs are full of LCBC but how many of them are BCS member? I think most of them are just party merc like me. But well I do miss the old pimd without party but only war.

    My exam has finished so I'm ready to merc for war anytime before I'm going away for holiday
  7. A bcs member in forums was talking about her telling him/her not to get involved and that she left bcs so they wouldn't be affected or something like that… because a couple ppl were calling them pussy for not helping
  8. My bad i wasn't supposed to respond yet i've got to make and lose a tril of game money
  9. Of coz she would ask to stay out but I'm sure she'll be more than happy if u've helped her..that's a common sense,if ur frd is in need of help,do u help or just leave her when she said so?
  10. Count me in for if there's a war like this.. Tho I seriously doubt it. 
  11. @Meow meow
    BCS Is party club only parties for $$$ and that's all we aim for? Ur a pr member if I remember correctly pr is a party club too and pretty much parties for $$$ as well...
  12. Is this thread abt BCS?? or am I in wrong thread? Well do let me know if they're able to fish out those hidden warriors among those 5clubs,that's gonna be a good war to look forward to
  13. I am personally a BCS member and I love the idea! Being a party club has it's benefits as most know but it is always nice to spice it up and take it back to the old days!
    Totally down for a war, but like ciera said it's up to the owners.
    Macca you should def see about PMing the 5seperate owners n have them make lists of the willing members, good idea maybe??
  14. We should all leave BCS alone 
  15. That'd be easy af
  16. Count me in if this war happens
  17.  Have walled all owners of bcs clubs as requested Boo. So I'll just wait for a reply now. Fingers crossed we can work something out
  18.  id join this war if it happened for sure.
  19. ️I have been warring since like 35kcs(Thanks Kalki️Midori n Pidol-1st ppl who taught me basics on warring..still a nooblet) BCS is a peaceful Party Club and war thing is not a members decisionHope to be in a "Battle of the Royalties" war-like again?