Discussion in 'Wars' started by H3R_GU4RD14N, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. It was past his bed time, his mom took her phone away from him
  2. I dont think even the smallest members of BCS or Ascencion would waste hits on him.

    Pretty useless. He talked about wasting their pots. Exactly how? If you sp you can only hit 1-2x every 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes a player from those clubs can make anywhere from 50-200m in 3 hits. So for every two pots you burn off them, they buy 200 more.
  3.  Thanx for the laughs!!
  4. This reminds me of a chihuahua all bark and no bite well none that would concern anyone but nice try️
  5. This makes me want to join ascension ?
  6. Inc Op 0/1 D

    Did I even use pots to defend since you hit from pin lol
  7. If op wants to farm raven I'm willing to help him
  8. This is hilariousbest of?
  9. oh wow

    also a side note:
    if youre contemplating whether farming or hitting him is worth it based on pay, you should really not be farming
  10. how has this not gotten closed yet? 0.0
  11. ?how are we suppose to farm him when he is sping?
  12. Wow funny??

    Foot gimme money????
  13. just read all 13 pages of these comments...got a good laugh ?
  14. Wat an idiot 
  15. i thought you were gonna ignore him?
  16. I did! But from seeing others hit back he's sping.
  17. Can i eat him now? ?
  18. Yes go ahead eat him!