Discussion in 'Wars' started by H3R_GU4RD14N, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Gahh.. our club name isnt that hard to spell.. anyways this op is an idiot but the comments made me giggle :p
  2. Major roid rage
  3. Yes i can hit! I want to be on his club wall, plz plz plz, i beg you matty! which club is accension? Is it a RP club? Plz plz tell me! Tell me your secret on how to hit plz plz plz. I am nooby
  4. I didn't bother reading comments, so I don't know if this was said, but your stats are decent. You should know pots are dirt cheap here. Burning them doesn't do much.
  5. I can't hit you, you are too small, sorry? 
  6. you damn noob OP
  7. then when I leave club u declare war
  8. my entertainment for the night
  9. I'm so done he targets bcs which is 80% lcbc which he can't even hit. And as for Ascension, good luckyou'll need it
  10. Peter:Guess what?
    peter: Chicken Butt.
  11. This guy is hilariouswhat hole do these people come from??
  12. Not sure if I should be embarrassed or not but I couldn't stop laughing through all 10 pages 
  13. This post I highly adorable.

    Best of please.
  14. I agree, put this in the best of section so people years from now can laugh about this 
  15. 
  16. Where did OP go?