BB Coding by Artilex

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Artilex (01), Mar 7, 2011.

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  1. Rainbow sucks. But it's cool. ;)
  2. So I'm gonna try this till it works
    (color=red) hi (/color)
  3. What's up pimd!
  4. This should stay bumped
  5. You forgot
     BB CODE HERE [/code*] without the asterisks it look like this
    for red color BB code 
    [code][color=red] BB CODE HERE [/red]
  6. Whoops lol
    Should have done [*code] [/code*]
  7. code: select all
  8. [b) just testing [b)
  9. [b)just testing[b)
  10. it doesn't work
  11. hello hello hello hello hello
  12. [size=200]OMG!! OMG!! RAINBOW!!!! :)[/size]
  13. Fail on the size! :oops:
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